Tugging is fun for Fido

Need to burn off some energy with your dog, but don’t feel like going on a walk?  Or maybe the weather is poor, and you need another outlet for a constructive activity.

Look no further than a healthy game of tug-of-war.

Let me dispel the myth that tug-of-war spurns on aggression. Aggression and force spurn on aggression. If you have a dog that tugs at everything – leash or clothes – this might not be the game for you, although teaching your dog what isappropriate to tug can be helpful.

Simply allowing your dog to pull your arm out of your socket, or constantly solicit to play the game is neither safe nor constructive. There are rules that need to be followed, and when they are, this turns into a wonderful leadership exercise.

The rules are simple: you start the game, you control the game and you end the game.

Whatever your tug toy of choice is should be put away when not playing, so it has value when you bring it out, and also so your dog doesn’t constantly demand to play and/or chew on it (most tug toys are not suitable chew toys). This way you can always start the game.

Your dog should always do something to start the game – a sit, down or shake. Once they do the behavior, then you tell them to ‘take it’, and allow them to grab the toy. Some dogs will really get into and even play growl, which is acceptable.

As you pup is tugging his heart away, intermittently ask him to ‘drop it’ on command. If they don’t know this command, you can first train it in by placing a treat by their nose. The moment they drop it, mark it with yes and feed them the treat. We quickly want the word to lead to the treat, though and not the other way around.

So, you ask them to sit, they do and you tell them to ‘take it.’ You play for a minute, and then say ‘drop it’ and they should release it immediately. When they do, you repeat from the beginning.

This is how you control the game. If at any point, your dog puts teeth on skin – even accidently – the game ends.

When you feel it’s been enough time and your pup is tired out, remove the toy and put it away for next time.