Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 24-30, 2013 Waters of Life Poured Forth For Thirsty Humanity


Saturday is the first full moon solar festival of the New Year. The full moon is a timing mechanism. It informs us that on one side of the Earth is the moon and on the other is the Earth.

During full moon times the light of the moon (emotions, the past many-eons-ago when we lived on the moon) is shielded from us. Instead, the moon receives and reflects back to Earth only the light of the Sun, which, at this Saturday’s full moon, is Aquarius. The Sun’s light transforms and uplifts us.

The heart of Aquarius (sign and the Age) is Jupiter, bestowing a love and wisdom that humanity seeks. The message this full moon is we are no longer living in the past. Should we attempt to, we will become crystallized. Those attempting a return to the past will be separated out. This intersection of old and new is creating the chaos in our world today. The Aquarius Sun tells us we are intelligent Sons and Daughters of Mind and that we are to begin to create the New World, a creation of new life in form and matter. We are called to be present-day magicians.

From the Ancient Commentary:

“Let the magician stand upon the mountain top.  Beneath him in the valleys and the plains, water and streams and clouds are seen.  Above him is the blue of heaven, the radiance of the rising sun, the pureness of the mountain air.  Each sound is clear.  The silence speaks with sound. Let the magician stand within the sun, looking from thence upon the ball of earth.  From that high point of peace serene let him sound forth the words that will create the forms, build worlds and universes and give his life to that which he has made.”

ARIES: You always need a goal and it’s best during these transitional times to have cooperative partners who undertake projects that you initiate. They help you meet your goals. Your mind is concerned with friends and collective projects. You become more sociable, negotiating and amenable to sharing. You’ve become an asset.

TAURUS: Your conciliating nature helps you get along with everyone and climb the ladder of success in whatever you do. You are able to adjust and be flexible. This allows you to ponder upon multiple tasks and ideas that will create the new future. You understand that success brings change. You change everyone.

GEMINI: Your mind roams here and there because you are interested in all areas of life – political, spiritual, moral, ethical. You want to be far away and also close to home. You need new fields of endeavor, new horizons to keep your mind alert. Sometimes you’re rebellious but you hide it well. Then you disappear.

CANCER: Exploring the unknown and mysterious, especially the mystery of death calls to you. This is the next level of your study. You have often been deeply saddened when death occurs. Death is a liberation for the one who has died. It’s good to consider your own death – to ponder and prepare for it. This is as deep as one can get while living on Earth.

LEO: It’s important to use your intelligence to foster agreements, cooperation, compromises and efficient communication with those close to you. Leo’s hidden skill (a gift) is the negotiator. The hidden side of you is Aquarius, the sign that is concerned with others. Your Leo self understands negotiation, eventually. You learn how to not be thoughtless.

VIRGO: It is good for you to make a conscious choice to improve yourself daily. This creates deeper self-value and self-esteem. You are practical, interested in health, the day-to-day realities of food and exercise along with the life of the animal kingdom. Take all your concerns and focus for a while upon yourself. It becomes the perfection of who you are.

LIBRA: It’s a serious time for creative endeavors. Hobbies, entertainments, the arts, gardening, architecture. You’re amused and amusing when you finally stop working and manifest the active creative part of yourself. Concerned with money often, the artistic part of yourself can hideaway till it can no longer be found. Don’t allow this to occur. Bring a playful spirit into everything you do.

SCORPIO: You are the sign of privacy and it’s in private with those you love and trust that you truly communicate your inner thoughts, plans, fears and activities. Family at this time is deeply important. I use the word “family” meaning whomever you consider your deepest closest intimates. You always need privacy, safety and protection wherever you live. Without these as a shield you cannot function effectively in the world.

SAGITTARIUS: Out and about, communicating, pondering aloud, moving here and there – all these activities are required so you can reflect upon world events and then be effective in your profession – whether it’s writing, publishing, teaching, working with the law, transportation, public relations or being a master gardener creating beauty in neighborhoods. Acquiring needed knowledge, always bringing forth intelligence, functioning through chaos and turmoil you become a master of your craft.

CAPRICORN: You realize always what makes good sense and so you allow for nothing excessive, fuzzy or emotional to obstruct that path you’ve chosen. You maintain health so that your intellect is clear which enables you to efficiently manage all aspects of daily life. Logic of mind, clear vision is what you seek and this keeps your feet on the ground. However, those feet have wings.

AQUARIUS: You are curious by nature and adjust to surroundings no matter where you are. Interested in many things you bring raw nerve, intelligence and flexibility to all situations. At first you throw yourself into the world. Then you sit back and ponder the world. You seek opportunities, are adaptable and clever. You bring us the future. We like you.

PISCES: Your life is led by noble and compassionate aspirations and goals. Many, including family, do not completely understand what it is you do. And why. You maintain an inner strength of conviction, an ability to concentrate on essential matters, and you have learned how to adapt. This is what all of humanity needs to learn. At times you need to withdraw into a quiet solitude. This has occurred in the last seven years. An emergence will be soon.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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