Successor agency agreement amended by council


At the City Council meeting on the evening of Monday, October 28, Action Item 2 (A2) called for, “Approval of an amendment to the disposition and development agreement by and between the successor agency to the Culver City redevelopment agency and Culver Public Market, LLC, related to a commercial project at Washington Boulevard and Centinela Avenue (Culver Public Market) located at 12337 – 12423 Washington Boulevard, 4061 – 4063 Centinela Avenue, and 4064 Colonial Avenue.”

The staff note reads, “In October 2018, the Successor Agency to the Culver City Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency) entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Culver Public Market, LLC (Developer) for the development an artisanal market hall with food vendors and restaurants located on two sites at the northerly corners of Washington Boulevard and Centinela Avenue (Project). The Project was to be curated by UrbanSpace, an approved master lessor with market hall expertise. Subsequently, a separate City Development and Construction Contract (DCC) was executed to require the Developer to construct a three and a half-level public parking structure that would accommodate approximately 180 public parking spaces to serve the Project and the local business district.  Preliminary construction of the Project commenced in Fall 2019 relative to utility undergrounding and surface grading.”

While the public speakers were generally in agreement with the project, some objected to the fact that it was being rushed through due to the fact that the meeting had dragged on past midnight. Still, the item passed unanimously.

Action Item 3 (A3), presentation of the city’s user fee study, was moved to the next meeting due to the late hour.

Action Item 4 (A4) called for, “Discussion and direction of a potential transparency ordinance requiring construction contractors and subcontractor disclosures.”

That too passed unanimously.