Start your day in the right direction

Tapping Into Genius by Edward Biagiotti

Edward Biagiotti

We all have days and moments in our days when it feels like we cannot catch a break. One challenging situation leads to another. Before long, we feel overwhelmed and fl ustered. When this happens, we have even less energy to address all of the many pressing items on our list because we lose connection with the solution-oriented thinking required for us to effectively navigate our worlds. The good news is that there are steps we can take to avoid getting to the point of burnout. This column frequently mentions students who have improved their school experiences by adjusting the way they think about themselves and the world around them. Young people are great teachers about the value of optimism and confi dence. When these traits, which we can all learn, are combined with great teaching, every one of our students is capable of succeeding in their unique, individual ways. The same thing is true for us as teachers, parents and citizens of this planet. Recently, I was able to put this into practice at my school. I came in feeling pity for myself and how hard the job was feeling. From the fi rst conversation that I had, the feeling mounted. When a colleague asked me how I was feeling, I let them know that my life was hard and even encouraged them to jump on board with me. He added his story of strife to my own, and my pity party was off and running. By the end of the day, my head was so full of dread that I felt completely worn out. Thankfully, the next day I learned my lesson. I came to school with the intention of being a light of encouragement for others. During my morning routine, before coming to school, I read some inspiring words, meditated and affi rmed the kind of day I was going to have. When the same colleague asked how I was doing, I laughed and told him I was doing great. When he let me know of his struggles, I reminded him that he is an amazing teacher and that I knew he would take care of everything with no problem. In turn, he laughed, and we both went about our business. I ended up having a delightful day, encouraging colleagues, staff, and students along the way. If you are feeling stuck and stressed, do not underestimate the power of your own thinking to turn your situation around. As you practice self-care each morning, and then pass that love and encouragement on to the people in your day, your days will quickly turn around. As a result, you will have more energy and inspiration to address whatever comes up, without taking it personally or adding to a story of struggle. Instead, you will recognize that you are more capable of success than you may have ever allowed yourself to recognize.

Edward Biagiotti is the co-host of the “Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed” podcast. He is also an Education Specialist for Culver City Unifi ed School District. For questions, comments, and ideas for future columns, send an email to