Safe Route Improvements

Letters to the Editor

As a longtime resident of Culver City, living on Madison Ave, below Farragut and as a building owner on Duquesne at Farragut, I find these Safe Route improvements to be a big waste of time and money.

Having lived on Madison Avenue since 1979 and owned my building on Duquesne since 2001, I have never heard of a traffic accident involving children on the way to school.

The proposed bulb-outs will not make walking to school any safer and it makes driving more dangerous. I have witnessed several near accidents by cars waiting to proceed and cars making right turns around the “Bulbs”almost hit each other, because of the narrowing of the corners.

The money wasted on these “improvements” would be much better spent on teachers’ salaries, books and educational materials.

Accept my “vote” as a big bulbous no.