Parking improved since study


I have read with great interest Les Greenberg’s letter concerning the parking study done on his block of 10700 Farragut. I have no idea if his allegations are correct. However, I do know what a help that study has been for our block of 10700 Franklin, which is one block over from Farragut.
I understand how scary change of any kind can be but the fact is our city has changed a great deal in the last 20 plus years since the beginning of the restricted parking from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Farragut.  I know because we have lived here in Culver City since 1953, when children going to the three schools down the street walked or rode their bikes. Most children now are driven to school.  Parents park their cars in the surrounding neighborhood in order to walk their children to their classrooms.
The study is to see if changing Farragut Avenue restrictive parking to 2 hours, as it is on the 10800 block, would have any impact on the surrounding streets. I can say it has greatly helped the bumper-to-bumper parking on our street especially since school has started.  Our block has no parking restrictions so we still have cars parked all day from people working in businesses on Overland and that is OK, particularly since the two-hour parking has been enforced on Farragut.
I sincerely hope the council will take this into consideration when they review the study. It has been so nice to have family and friends park somewhere on our block while visiting, instead of blocks away.

Kathleen Bunker

— Culver City