Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

            To begin with, I don’t have posters of the royal family up in my room nor would I take off work to catch a glimpse of the family, but I did find fault in the editorial in last week’s edition of the News, entitled A royal pain.

            You wrote “Why does our society allow the painful reminder of a bygone past to remain” in effect so popular, and then used the Confederate flag and the KKK as examples of other
“hollow and toothless figureheads.” I’m not sure if the British royal family quite compares with what we all know the KKK continues to stand for, but I just thought linking the royals, past or present, with them is a bit overdoing it. You made mention of the royal family as a “specter of undemocratic values, aggression and brutality,” but isn’t the Catholic Church a more perfect example of all that and for a much longer period of time than the prince’s family? I’d have used that institution in the article over the KKK or the Confederate battle flag in relation to the monarchy.

            The royals came to Culver City and they raised not only millions of dollars during their visit but raised awareness for good decent things like veterans issues, etc. Their presence brings England tens of millions of dollars each year and in a depressed nation like England that can’t be a bad thing.

            So until it’s decided to allow the royals to have absolute power again, it’s nice to see a family that can trace its history back 1,000 years, cut a few ribbons, and generate money back into the economies of any country they travel to.