Culver High receives Civic Learning Award



Culver City High School has earned the Civic Learning Award of Merit for 2019, a prestigious award co-sponsored by Chief Justice of California Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye’s civic learning initiative, known as the Power of Democracy; and California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.

The award program also identifies models that can be replicated in other schools.

“This award comes as a result of CCHS’s continued promotion of civic learning and engagement, including helping put together the Women’s Leader Town Hall in October, successfully participating in the 2018 California Mock Election, supporting last year’s student demonstration on gun violence, and enhancing the required Civic Action Project for all seniors,” said CCHS teacher Carlos Valverde.

Culver City High School, which is accredited as a California Democracy School by the Los Angeles County Office of Education, also won the award in 2016.

The Civic Learning Award recognizes the crucial role in elementary, middle, and high schools play in preparing each generation for participation in our democracy. Now in its seventh year, the award is designed to celebrate successful efforts to engage students in civic learning and to identify at each grade span effective models that can be replicated.

Winners were selected from each grade span by a panel of experts based on the depth and breadth of their civic learning classes, clubs, and programs.

As part of the award, a superior court judicial officer will provide recognition to the school.