Culver Boulevard Realignment Project temporarily put on hold


After receiving community input on the project during a second community meeting hosted on May 20, 2014, the project has been put on hold while it is revised and presented to the community again with modifications.

The initial conceptual design proposal provided a new 20-footwide frontage road along the south side of Culver Boulevard to be separated from the eastbound traffic by a 6-footwide raised landscaped median.

The proposed concept also included a 10-footwide-landscape median with left turn lanes to separate the westbound and eastbound traffic. That would require the width of the existing landscaped bike/ pedestrian path raised median to be reduced from 60 feet to 45 feet and the No. 2 westbound lane would be moved 31 feet to the north. The project also provided for a new full traffic signal at Huron Avenue replacing the flashing yellow and red – pedestrian signal.

The Public Works Department studied areas of concern and the one design item that could be revised which would solve many of the issues is to entirely eliminate the proposed frontage road and its adjacent 6-footwide raised median and instead install a 5-footwide, double striped safety zone adjacent to the parking lane. As a result of the revision, the existing bicycle/pedestrian path landscaped median would only be reduced in width by 2 feet – from 60 to 58 feet. Also, the No. 2 westbound traffic lane would only shift to the north 18 feet rather than the original proposed 31 feet.

With the money saved on eliminating the proposed frontage road, a new traffic signal can now be installed at Harter Avenue. That would provide a controlled crosswalk over Culver Boulevard for pedestrians and bus commuters. The eastbound bus stop would be adjacent to the curb line on Culver Boulevard and out of the way of through traffic.

In regards to the existing trees in the bicycle/pedestrian landscape median, it is the intention of the city to make every effort to preserve them to the maximum extent possible. Once the revised preliminary design work is completed, a third community meeting will be scheduled in November to obtain additional public input on the project.