Chief Mueller’s Pledge of Allegiance

This photo features Chief Eugene Mueller in uniform at a Fiesta La Ballona event holding a young Lugo/Machado descendant, Carlos Lugo. The Fiesta, originated by the Culver City Chamber of Commerce in 1951, began as a full weeklong event in August, with ev

In 1956, Eugene Mueller came to Culver City as the new chief of police. He was a robust, enthusiastic man, who became legendary for his unique way of leading the Pledge of Allegiance. From civic events to Fiesta La Ballona, Chief Mueller proudly began the ceremonies with his expressive pledge to the flag of our nation. For those who have asked for Mueller’s noted verbiage, it follows:

“My fellow Americans:

Here it is! Your flag and mine.

The symbol of liberty, the emblem of freedom.

Here it is! Undaunted, unsullied and unafraid in the

world of today.

We need to ask ourselves

What kind of Americans are we?

Are we Americans because of the prestige?

Are we Americans because it is comfortable so to be?

Or are we Americans because deep down in our hearts

There is a burning appreciation of Valley Forge, Gettysburg,

The Battle of Argonne, Chateau-Thierry, North Africa,

Guadalcanal, Bataan, Iwo Jima and Korea?

Do we still have the guts of our early Americans, who in the last line of the Declaration of Independence said, ‘And to support this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to one another our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.’

Yes, our flag is made in God’s design.

This flag of yours, this flag of mine.

And with the flag, God clearly gives his will;

That in this nation lives and breathes the spirit that all men be free.

Yes, this flag is made in God’s design.

Thank God! This flag is yours and mine.

Now, together, with a heart full of pride:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the

 United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands.

One nation under God, indivisible,

With liberty and justice for all!”