CalVet seeks employees to work with veterans



In preparation for the immediate opening of the new Skilled Nursing Unit at CalVet West Los Angeles Veterans Home, CalVet will be hosting the CalVet Job Fair on Jan. 21, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the CalVet West L.A. Veterans Home located at 11500 Nimitz Ave. in Los Angeles.

The California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) is seeking people interested in a job making a difference in the lives of the nation’s Veterans.

“We’re looking for compassionate individuals who care about our Veterans,” said Tom Bucci, the Administrator CalVet West Los Angeles Veterans Home. “Our goal is filling our beds in our Home as soon as we hire the professional and caring staff we need.”

Applicants will receive a one-stop opportunity to speak with CalVet Human Resources staff about how to get a state job and to take the exams necessary to establish application eligibility—a necessary step in state service employment.

CalVet is seeking to hire 27 Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), 11 nurses, activities coordinator, a social worker, nursing supervisor and clerical, food service, custodial, and numerous other clinical positions.

CalVet continues hiring statewide.

“We have job openings throughout our eight long-term care homes,” Undersecretary Veterans Home of California Diane Vanderpot said. “We are particularly in need of nurses, therapists, and other clinical staff. In the coming months you will see CalVet staff attending community job fairs and Veterans resource fairs recruiting for our homes.”

In addition to West LA, CalVet operates Veterans Homes in Barstow, Chula Vista, Fresno, Lancaster, Redding, Ventura, and Yountville. All homes are looking to hire staff. To learn more about CalVet exams and jobs, persons interested can visit: www.calvet.

Veterans’ preference can be applied to help Veteran’s qualify for open as well as open, non-promotional examinations. Any Veteran, Veteran spouse, widow or widower, or spouse of a 100-percent disabled Veteran who achieves a passing score on an entrance examination will be eligible to apply for employment within that job classification.

For more information about Veterans’ preference, please go to: veteransinformation.