Board member to read to students

Culver City Friends of the Library will present Storytime featuring CCUSD Board of Education member Laura Chardiet at 7 p.m. on Feb. 5 at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library, 4975 Overland Ave.

Chardiet will be reading “Ten Rosy Roses,” a simple countdown book that Publishers Weekly says adapts a lilting text to a picture book format, in this case encouraging children to learn how to subtract.

“Ten rosy roses standing in a line” are picked by a multicultural bouquet of students, one spread at a time; in the end, all 10 roses are presented by the children to their smiling teacher.

To assist readers in counting how many roses are left at the turn of each page, an insert gives the numeral with an appropriate number of flowers.

Storytime will be followed by a craft project for children. The event is free and open to the public.

Overflow parking is available next door to the north of the library at 4909 Overland Ave.

For ADA accommodation, call (310) 830-0231 (voice) or (310) 830-4532 (TTY)