Transition initiative & the occupiers: discipleship groups for the new age


In Scorpio the World Disciple emerges. Humanity is the World Disciple in potential and actual fact. World Disciples are leaders able to perceive obstacles hindering humanity from progressing onto the Path of Evolution – the spiritual Path of Return. Returning to our origins is humanity’s heritage. We are presently at the halfway mark and beginning our ascent (returning home) after 21 million years of involution (descent into matter).

Scorpio is the sign that assists humanity in identifying as World Disciple. In our present developmental stage of chaos and conflict, where the forces of materiality battle the forces of light (Arjuna experience), disciples worldwide are marching into the battlefield in service to humanity. Their battle cry (and in Scorpio there is definitely a battle) is “Freedom & Equality,” reflecting the values of the Aquarian Age. Holding their banners high, their focus and identity is, “Warriors are we and from the battle we emerge triumphant.” This is the Scorpio seed thought.

Two discipleship groups organizing in our world are Transition (Town) Initiative and the Occupiers. In a phone conversation with Transition USA several weeks ago, the statement was made that these two groups (of disciples) were connected by their purpose. Both Transition Initiative and the Occupiers, growing world movements, have humanity’s freedoms, survival and maintaining a sustainable way of life as their focal points. Quoting Naomi Klein, let’s consider the Occupy & Transition Initiative Movements as “the most important thing(s) in the world.”

Adding to these Aquarian seed-group movements is the film “Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take,” premiering 11/11 (next week), unveiling the reality that our sciences (and thus humanity’s well-being), since Tesla, have been thwarted, hindered, obstructed and co-opted by the forces of materiality. This is the beginning of the Aquarian revolution. Let us together, with awareness, pride, knowledge and intention, actively “occupy” these times and “transition” into building the new world era. “May we all do our part.”

ARIES: Are you pursing the arts of pleasure or romance? Is the thought of risk appealing? Are you considering becoming firemen/women? Do you have an unusual attraction for games, having fun, entertainment? Are there children in your life? Are you feeling competitive and rather dramatic? Do you sometimes feel like there’s not enough love in the world? You will change that.

TAURUS: You have become a mother lion, deeply protective of home, family, friends, relationships, life events. Do you believe that you are living a rather solitary existence? Much of what you do, feel and think is both instinctual and intuitive. The two are different aspects of the s/Self. One is our animal heritage, the other our godly heritage. We are of the stars…stardust. You mind seeks our origins. Now you are to study water and art of dowsing.

GEMINI: When there is a mental approach in any direction and in connection with the many opposites in manifestation, you have the emergence of the divine Messenger, able to comprehend extremes and relate them divinely to each other. Gemini is pre-eminently the sign of the messenger, and this sign produces many of the messengers of God as they appear down the ages…the revealers of new divine truths. Do you identify?

CANCER: You work harder than most, and can be slower than most. This isn’t a criticism. It acknowledges your careful methods, deliberate actions so what you create is of value. You like money and possessions but sometimes take risks with spending. Is your energy equated to self-worth? If so if you have less energy you are less valuable? This is incorrect thinking. You are steady, constant, reliable and good.

LEO: A new energy has come over you. You’re active, more dynamic, responding quickly to situations. At times you can be suddenly aggressive. You wonder why. It’s Mars in Leo affecting your self-identity and how you’re seen in the world. At times you may feel angry, quick to judge. Have the intentions to simply be direct, truthful and spontaneous. Don’t stir the pot or you’ll kill the Buddha on the road.

VIRGO: Things are not easy at times. Perhaps you feel a bit stifled, more tenuous about asserting yourself, at times defeated that all actions are futile. This is temporary. Your energy is hiding away with your courage. Past events and memories flood your mind. Deep down you are strong, able to work independently, and you believe in yourself. We believe in you, too.

LIBRA: Your purpose is to interact with many people in order to know (recognize) yourself. Your other purpose, also important, at this time is to help others, especially in groups (very special groups), learn their identity, as they articulate and achieve goals and discover cooperation. Like Aquarius, you have many acquaintances, some friends, few intimates. This year you are re-designing yourself.

SCORPIO: Unusual these days is the need you feel to succeed. And so, whatever you are doing, you work hard, climb the ladder, set goals, meet them, create boundaries and move ahead. Is there someone elderly or a father figure behind the scenes? Perhaps it’s a memory or a dream. You are very serious. You need respect. You also seek freedom. You are original. A paradox. Develop love.

SAGITTARIUS: Attempt to regard the ideas and opinions of others as valuable. They hold truths that your heart needs to assimilate. You need someone around who makes you laugh, someone with a sense of humor that you understand. You need to laugh yourself out of the veils surrounding your life. These are natural veils. However, you’re tired of them. Find and watch the video of Alan Watts in Hollywood teaching the Laughing Meditation. (

CAPRICORN: Great desires and/or aspiration are part of your being. When there isn’t enough of something we learn how to cherish it. What in your life do you feel there isn’t enough of? There’s a mantram we say each morning. You will like it. “Let reality govern my every thought and truth be the master of my life.” You understand this mantram. You allow nothing pretentious in your life. Plant and tend several Boswellia sacra trees.

AQUARIUS: Always you have needed a challenging (one who challenges) partner, someone steadfast in their love, unafraid of conflict, equally aware politically and with the ability to practice the art of compromise. Actually you need to practice a bit more compromise, too. Are you able to understand others’ points of view? Make that important decision on the side of safety. Beware of swift flowing deep waters.

PISCES: Are you working yourself to exhaustion? Is most of your energy going into your work and are you sometimes impatient with others? Are you finding daily life events and communications difficult, at times incomprehensible? You work best independently or as a leader. You’re very skilled. An unusual time is ahead with new and different experiences. Be generous.


Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School



Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles