Recycling Christmas Trees urged


Every year, more than 1 million used Christmas trees end up in California landfills, and an estimated 15 million used Christmas trees end up in landfills nationwide.

After the holidays, the City of Culver City urges its residents to recycle trees locally or turn them into mulch for water conservation and weed control in the garden. Reuse branches to make colorful holiday wreaths and separate the pine needles from tree branches to create tree-scented sachet bags.

Or, consider an artificial tree or a “living” tree that can be replanted in the yard. Multi-family residents should contact the property manager for more information on how best to dispose of trees after the holiday season at your multi-family complex.

Culver City will provide drop-off services at in the Fox Hills Area (call the number below for exact location). Remember, it is unlawful and a serious fire hazard to leave unwanted trees at the curb or in the alleys for an extended period of time.

Recycle your Christmas tree in the green waste bins.

For the Culver City Refuse and Recycling Customer Service Office, call 310-253-6400 for more information. For City of Los Angeles Christmas Tree Recycling, please go to or for unincorporated communities, call 1 (888) CLEAN LA between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.