Monty has a Good Burger

(Photo by Brett Callwood)

You have to admire Monty’s Good Burgers’ marketing department. The mini-chain (there are four locations, including right here in Culver City) is 100 percent plant-based, and they have a punk rock vibe that carries through their packaging, as well as the merch that they sell.

The combo box that we bought was decorated with a parody of East Coast punk band the Misfits’ logo, with the band’s ghostly face replaced with Monty’s namesake canine mascot. That same image can be found on merch, while they also sell Sex Pistols and Ramones-inspired items, as well merch that would appeal to fans of Elton John, and even the Dodgers. 

It’s all a lot of fun, and feels fresh and exciting before you even take a bite of the food. But naturally, the food is the most important thing and it’s not at all disappointing. Vegan fast food has come a long way over the past couple of years; every time we try it, it seems to get better. And Monty’s Good Burger is right up there at the top of the list when it comes to Vegan fast food joints.

Our combo box included “chicken” tenders, fries and tots (you can order half and half), plus a chocolate chip cookie. The tenders were breaded and wonderfully seasoned. The fake meat, of course, doesn’t taste exactly like chicken, but thanks to the breading it’s a solid alternative. 

They’re crispy on the outside and, as you might expect, tender when you get past the initial crunch. 

We also tried their cheeseburger, which was better still: an impossible patty, cheddar cheese, house spread, lettuce, tomato, house pickles and grilled onions inside a soft brioche bun.

The bun is superb; bouncy, warm and fresh. The impossible patty is a fairly standard impossible patty, but it’s improved immeasurably by the house sauce which boosts the flavor to another level. Similar to McDonalds’ secret sauce but better still, it works perfectly here when combined with the bread, patty and salad veg. The pickles add wonderful tang, finishing it off. This is a great plant-based burger.

The fries are good fries, but the tots are glorious. Super-crunchy and not too greasy, they make for the perfect side. Oh, and the cookie that came with the combi meal was great too. Gooey chocolate chips in soft-baked goodness.

Give it a try, whether you’re a vegan or not.

Monty’s Good Burger is located at 3849 Main St., Culver City 90232. Call 213-915-0257 or visit