Mercury retro and Aries new moon – reviewing all things new


Swirling around Sunday’s new moon (13:30 Aries) are six planets in Aries (Sun, Moon, Mercury retro, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus). Running close behind are three planets in Pisces (Venus, Chiron, Neptune). The chart looks like a bucket (Aries/Pisces bundle) with a handle (Saturn in Libra opposite Aries). Creating a square to Aries/Libra is Pluto in Capricorn (7 degrees). And off to the side, like sidekicks are the nodes (direction) in Sag/Gemini. It’s a potent chart for the week, month, year and times, filled with cardinal energies (Aries, Libra and Capricorn) and new direction (Aries/Sag). As Pluto in Capricorn calls for release of all things hidden, Uranus and the other four in Aries create all things new, no matter the risks or consequences. We remember, “Love underlies all happenings.” Mercury, in Aries for three months (not the usual three weeks) and Mars, at home in Aries (till May), challenge us to contact the devas and build the new era together.

The personality-building Aries new moon seed thought is “Let form again be sought.” When establishing our personality, our focus is on the material side of life. Aries (the two horned ram) rushes into form, expressing the will to be, to do, to initiate, to battle, and eventually to think, impressed later with divine ideas from the mind of God. Aries, electric fire, the burning ground of life experiences, burns and destroys, creating anew later. This is the livingness of Aries new moon. It prepares us for resurrection.

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ARIES: As you consider your new self (image) and new actions, you return to previous wounds and relationships, seeking forgiveness and closure. You’re impelled to transform all you’ve done in the world into something that serves others so that you can be recognized as a world server. You destroy all that obstructs you from forging new alliances, arrangements, future paths. You also consider all interactions, bringing goodness to them, purifying them. This is good Lenten work.

TAURUS: You will feel tired, needing restoration through rest. You will move inward, seeking the practicality of staying behind the scenes. Nature is the best place for you – gardening, weeding, tending, seeding, creating biodynamic soil. Working alone you will learn to recognize your needs better and have a sense of self-discovery. Something begun quickly ends quickly. Stay with the plant kingdom and speak with the devas. And listen more intently.

GEMINI: You’re aware that you’re smart and clever. Your mind envisions goals, dreams and visions. You live and act within them most times. In the next months and years notice that your goals and dreams change. No one can expect anything definite from you. New roads beckon, often you start over and over again. This is a process the path of the personality till the soul appears. Enjoy yourself until then.

CANCER: You want to see change in the world, especially in terms of your work. You wonder if you’ve explored all your capabilities, gifts and talents, hoping before you die (you say), to find your one true occupation and world work where you’re recognized, applauded and appreciated. Once we recapitulate all previous lifetimes’ talents, we then seek entirely new endeavors. You are doing this. Perhaps a time away from work is called for.

LEO: Travel is the keynote for your next seven years. An adventurous set of goals takes shape, including new education and exploring a different, more comprehensive philosophy that perhaps you’ve resisted. Your mind will be thirsty for new knowledge, so you embark on new endeavors. Reading more, we’ll find you in bookstores investigating esoteric thought. You’ll seek learning like a cat seeking milk. And if you drink it along with the cat, raw is best.

VIRGO: A crazy sort of excitement will begin to grow in you that’s indefinable, irregular and unexpected. It will build, then wane, then build again. You’ll seek the unusual, mystical, exotic and erotic. You might wonder who or what you’ve become with such unusual feelings and desires. You’re dropping guilt, seeking your own resources, discovering what it feels like to experiment. Go slowly.

LIBRA: All interactions – personal, partnerships, intimate, relationships, marriages – will contain exciting surprises. You may witness and feel rebelliousness, for everything in your relationships will be stirred up, stimulated to change and encouraged to be truthful. It will be an inspiring time for you within all interactions, but especially your intimate one. Evolution’s coming along to shake, rattle and roll you out of dullness, routine and the expected.

SCORPIO: Everything in your daily life will begin to assert itself, saying your daily life must change, be transformed and revitalized. You’ll see original new archetypes coming forth. Things will happen to alter and transform your life. Notice how your interests shift at the speed of light. Burnout is possible, so get more rest. New ideas, new avenues, new attitudes, new jobs and heightened creativity all come to nest.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time for the subtle strains of romance to liven up your life a bit, providing excitement, entertainment, affairs, speculations, risks and perhaps a few children. Socially, your dance card will overflow. I would learn a few new recipes and how to make a few of those exotic cocktails floating around the food networks. People will be attracted to your unique, restless desires and impulsive expectations. Know that some fires burn brightly only for moments.

CAPRICORN: You’re pretty good at not acquiring too many things. You eliminate what is non-essential. This is a good trait because in the next seven years, as the foundations of your life shift, you may be moving to several different residences due to jobs, schools, earth changes and family needs. Relationships with family will also change. All of this is part of the evolution and growth of your family unit. You already feel the restless pulse of change. Do things now that you’ve never done before.

AQUARIUS: Observing your thoughts and actions, you will see that an awakening has occurred in your mind with new ideas, thoughts, people and possibilities, all stimulating and electrifying. A sort of boldness has captured your speech. Be careful with your self-expression, it could be misunderstood. Everyone is not as fast or as imaginative. If thinking becomes somewhat erratic, know that it is Uranus breaking up crystallized thoughts. Concentration will not be easy. But still, you’re brilliant.

PISCES: Much of your time and thoughts will be focused on finances, money, resources and values. In the next seven years, you may find finances to be unusual and erratic. It’s good to safeguard resources now, which means safeguarding yourself. Your values will shift also. Concentrate on how you value yourself and seek ways to make yourself of more value. Notice your language. It is concerned with value. When investing, only think green.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition



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