

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 20-26, 2013

Summer Solstice, Full Moon, Mercury Retros

Thursday, late night west coast (10:04 pm) and just after midnight (central & east coast) Friday, summer begins. Sun enters the sign of Cancer, resting for three days at the Tropic of Cancer. Soon, the Sun’s light will lessen, the light moving southward. Within the light there is always a balance of darkness. When summer begins, Archangel Uriel assumes protection of the Earth. The Devic Kingdom (plant kingdom angelic builders) prepare for their Midsummer Night’s Dream woodland wedding. Friday is the longest day of light for the year. Friday is also World Refugee Day. www.un.org/en/events/refugeeday/ – nineteen million refugees in without a home.

Sunday (full moon) is the Cancer (2 degrees) solar festival. Jupiter, heart of Aquarius, joins this festival. We recite Cancer’s most invocative keynote – “I build a Lighted House and Therein Dwell.”

We reflect upon and pray for the homeless refugees during this festival. Cancer is the Gate where Spirit first enters matter. Cancer’s light is the “Light within form, the diffused light of substance itself, the ‘dark light of matter’. This dark light awaits the Light of the Soul.” The Soul builds the “lighted house” within us.

Friday through Sunday is “World Peace, Prayer, Harmony & Honoring Sacred Sites Day” where all nations, all faiths recite One Prayer for the welfare of the Earth. http://worldpeaceandprayerday.com/.

Early morning Wednesday Mercury, star of communication and conflict, turns stationary retrograde (23 Cancer). We all know by now what not to do. And what to do. Through July 19th.

ARIES: You project a strong image that makes an impression in the world. Be sure it’s an image of nurturance and not an image of “here today, gone tomorrow.” You ‘re a leader and innovator. Always be prepared for this position. Keep up with the alternative news. Tend carefully to your physical appearance. Call forth a sustained identity that brings order and purpose to humanity’s destiny. A great work you are to do.

TAURUS: You’re one of the stronger ones of the zodiac. You can work through pain and discomfort, especially when others depend upon you. Promises are sacred. This is part of your value system. In all environments, you create a secure foundation and relationships that last and are trustworthy. The idea of ownership will shift in the coming months. You will offer your possessions to be part of a whole – like a community trust for humanity. Think on this.

GEMINI: So you need new activities and lots of changes of scenery. A restlessness may overtake you. Be aware of this. Although you’re able to adapt to most environments, you discover you have a strong need for communication and care, love and reciprocity wherever you are. An atmosphere where knowledge is shared and others are kind and curious. Take pride in this knowledge of yourself. It is vital to your future.

CANCER: You’re very private these days. It’s purposeful. You need to consider many things that impact your future – preparing with great care, building a strong sense of health and healing so that your life can improve. You must tend to many personal daily tasks, all relating to self and family. You’re working toward building a new secure foundation. Ask for help. This allows others an opportunity to serve.

LEO: There’s a question about the time you spend with work and time spent tending to home. There needs to be a balance and time for you to rest, retreat and recollect. You are standing in uncharted territory now. Instinct and intuition will inform you of the direction to take. When you make a decision you will know it is correct because a quietude comes over you. Your heart is your guiding light.

VIRGO: Who shares your interests? Who belongs to you? What group do you participate in? It is most important for your vulnerable self to be part of a group or club where you can work with others, offer support and shine amidst humanity. You need to form bonds of care with others who share your long-term goals and with those who love you. Forming relationships nurtures your growth and begins to heal all wounds from childhood.

LIBRA: So often you’re in the public and this makes you a leader and vulnerable. Always you make the right choices. Even when you’re unsure. You have the ability to sense the right path, right timing, right direction. You maintain a sense of self with the purpose of achieving all your goals, aspirations and, in the end, you achieve success. Be sure to use your leadership to care for, defend and nurture those in need. One in particular.

SCORPIO: You’re sensitive to ethics, justice and to humanity everywhere seeking freedom of thought, speech and liberty. Although you protect yourself, you’re also very verbal about your knowledge and beliefs. This is so important that you find yourself protecting the beliefs of others in your life. No matter how challenging the situation, you’re always the one who stands for the truth – a brave warrior, always triumphant.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re becoming highly sensitive to the different states in which you have been transformed. You understand transition. All people in your life and relationships have been given to you. The purpose was/is to nurture, support and care for them along with their abilities and gifts. In turn they support you in all your endeavors. Family is your deepest inner circle. Helping them change helps them remain emotionally open to life beneath the surface. You dive in there.

CAPRICORN: More and more each day you become more sensitive to your partner, to intimates and those close to you. You balance being independent and lovingly dependent. You carefully balance responsibilities in all relationships, teaching others how to also. Your leadership shines because you understand compromise. You are accomplishing extraordinary things within the lovely ordinariness of daily relationship life.

AQUARIUS: Eventually we all become sensitive to helping others, being kind, offering sympathy, all of which are ways of serving. We discover our compassion when we do even the smallest task with patience, sensitivity and care. Every moment of your life you offer your active and mindful presence. Through this you find that your life becomes more meaningful and that the entire world is your family.

PISCES: The whole world is about the change. How many understand this? Pisces everywhere sense it. Many are very uncomfortable these days. The Pisces fish is very sensitive to freedom. Anything that binds makes the delicate constitution of fish wither away. The world at this time is binding humanity, helping Pisces realize its task as World Savior. It is the virtues of Pisces that, for humanity, saves, them. There’s work to do. From your creative expressions you help free humanity.


Risa is founder & director of…

The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundation of the teachings is Esoteric Astrology.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

Web journal: www.nightlightnews.com (updated Thursdays)

Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (daily posts)