

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 2013

Music for Our winter Rituals

There’s a lot of planetary movement (planets changing signs) this week. Mars (energy) enters Pisces and Venus (love) enters Aquarius on Friday. On Tuesday, Mercury (communication) also enters Pisces. This creates a shifting of energies in our world. Pisces attempts to save the world as Aquarius attempts to change the world. Friday (Feb. 1) is St. Brigit’s Day. Saturday (Feb. 2) is Groundhog Day, Candlemas Day and Imbolc, a “cross-quarter” day – between winter solstice and spring equinox with the Sun’s light each day is increasing in power.

St. Brigid’s (healer & founder of an art school in Ireland) Day continues as a folk tradition with the making of corn dollies dressed in ribbons, shells and stones. Imbolc (ewe’s milk) is a Gaelic agrarian festival associated with birthing of spring lambs and the blooming of the Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) bush – a dark thorny shrub with plum-like astringent fruits. Imbolc, a festival of light indicating spring is near, is a festival of special foods (butter, milk and scones [bannocks), candles, hearth fires and bonfires. The fires signify the return of Sun’s warmth. Imbolc, in ancient times, was a day of weather divination. A watch was held night and day to see if serpents or badgers emerged from their winter dens – like our Groundhog Day.

Feb. 2 is also the Purification of the Virgin Mary Feast Day -40 days after a young Jewish woman bears a child she must go to the temple for a mikvah [purification bath), a blessing and to present her child. During Candlemas (another fire symbol) beeswax candles are blessed in the church and distributed to the people to light during thunderstorms and place in windows to ward of storms. Candlemas is the last Festival of Christmas Feast Day. Johann S. Bach composed music for Feb. 2 – “Mariae Reinigung” (Purification of Mary). Music for our winter rituals.

ARIES: With the Sun in Aquarius, friends, groups, hopes, wishes and dreams are all important. Community is, also. You want your dreams to come true, you want a light sociability to permeate your life, you want to be happy, lighthearted and not be captured by anything in particular. You want to be free. Making true contact with others is also important. Always have Goodwill. Then your dreams do come true. And contact happens.

TAURUS: Your standing in the world is emphasized at this time and a place is made for you to exhibit your talents and gifts. Usually you’re behind the scenes supporting others. Now you’re in the spotlight, accomplishing important work with competency and sensitivity. Your vision is practical, your results apparent and your star shines. People love you.

GEMINI: This is a quiet internal time for you. An inner transformation is creating growth and regeneration. You’re not necessarily out and about. The focus is on retreat and solitude. Care for finances, the deeply personal and intimate, and things psychological that you want to change. You will recognize your strengths, talents and gifts more easily. Share them.

CANCER: Talking with those you trust allows for more self- understanding, important at this time. You seek a mirror, which helps you realize your potential. You also seek a change in your social life. You want an “us” for companionship. For this to occur include others more often. You’re used to doing everything alone. Think about diplomacy but don’t harbor secrets.

LEO: It’s good to review how your daily life unfolds. It’s important that you take pride in all that you do. This means creating daily and weekly routines that you can depend upon, seeking what is worthwhile (of your time and attention) and what is not. Creating detailed order in your life creates opportunities to eliminate non-essentials. You seek to be perfect. You are.

VIRGO: You have been like a mother bird in a nest, tending, caring and nurturing. Now you must be out and about and express yourself. You need a bit of pleasure and amusement, self-expression, freedom and play. Wear bright colors and express appreciation. It’s good to be with children, take some risks and spread a little happiness around.

LIBRA: Your home is most important to you at this time. Nesting is important for a while. Instinctively you’re concerned with family, property, your roots and heritage and more so with the beauty around you. It’s important to begin planting, to send down roots as a metaphor that strengthens your relationships, especially with family. It’s always good to start over to rebuild trust.

SCORPIO: There’s movement, busy exploration and searching in the next weeks. You seek new connections, pay attention to your surroundings, create social interactions and become more and more light-hearted. You will have errands, phone calls to make. You will give people more of your time and this solidifies connections. You remember the esoteric statement, “contact releases love.” You will have “little adventures”

SAGITTARIUS: You must explore more of your town’s neighborhoods. Or neighborhoods in town you’re most enchanted with. Exploration allows us to adapt and come to greater understanding. This exploration includes the behaviors and attitudes of friends, siblings, relatives, co-workers and those close to you. Do you have multiple realities you must tend to now? This is because you’ve become even more resourceful, enjoying your intelligence and intuitive knowledge. Express yourself with real confidence.

CAPRICORN: What matters to you for a while are comfort, security, things material. You consider what is of value and what is of comfort. They two must go hand-in-hand. You’re also taking a hard look at finances. Eventually your creative ideas will enhance your financial future. You don’t make unnecessary purchases at this time. But do tend to yourself with the utmost care. Your needs tell you what comforts you. Knowing this, you can then “carry on.”

AQUARIUS: Your appearance, personal identity, self-expression and out-in-the world behaviors are all highlighted by the Sun. You are literally illumined within and without by the Sun. Therefore you make a great impression upon others. There’s more spontaneity and more ability to change, saying goodbye to the past. You have confidence, the energy to create something new and fulfill personal endeavors. Be brave and be direct. A new path is presented. Happy Birthday!

PISCES: It’s again a time of retreat and solitary thinking. A time to consider what things in your life, people, geographies, possessions, agendas are no longer useful and must be eliminated. Although it’s not time to initiate new realities, it is time to reflect, dream and envision. Many things you have outgrown. During this month allow yourself to rest more and prepare for an entirely new cycle to come forth. You have a birthday soon. A new solar cycle beginning.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

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