Fire Chief Powell speaks at council meeting


Culver City Fire Chief Ken Powell spoke at a reduced City Council meeting, moved to the Senior Center, about the ongoing situation with the Los Angeles fires.

Powell said that CCFD firefighters were assisting with the battle against the fires, and he sent thoughts and prayers to those who have lost so much. He reminded the community to “prepare, stay informed, and adhere to any orders” that authorities send out. He added that the Fire Department is working closely with the Police Department to ensure that the city is prepared for any fire-related incidents.

Later, Public Hearing 1 called for the “Adoption of a Resolution Approving and Adopting the Comprehensive Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.” That passed, and it’s the first update of the fees in the city since 2014.

Action Item 1 (A1) called for the, “Introduction of a Proposed Ordinance Amending Titles 7, 9, 13 and 15 of the Culver City Municipal Code to Dissolve the Committee on Permits and Licenses (COPL), to Remove References to COPL-Issued Permits for Various Businesses, and to Remove Regulatory Provisions for Fortune Telling and Figure Studio/Modeling Businesses as Part of the COPL Dissolution Implementation.”

That passed quickly and unanimously.

Action Item 2 (A2) was discussed for much longer, calling for the “Adoption of a Resolution to Submit a Joint Application in Partnership with Community Corporation of Santa Monica for the 93 Unit Jubilo Village New Construction 100% Affordable Permanent Supportive Housing Project Under the California Department of Housing and Community Development Homekey + Notice of Funding Availability in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $22,962,000 Million Dollars.”

The only debate was about where the money would come from to make up the shortfall on the project, should the joint application be unsuccessful. For now, the decision to submit the joint application passed unanimously. In addition, the council requested that letters be drafted, to the county and to their representatives, to seek assistance finding the shortfall should that be necessary.

Action Item 3 (A3) called for, “Consideration of a Request by the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee to Amend its Workplan to Hold a Courageous Conversation Event (‘Spark Healing through Conversation: How the Middle East Crisis Affects Me’).”

Following many meetings opening with many speakers calling for a ceasefire resolution, a community conversation is a popular idea, based on the speakers at this meeting. There were some dissenting voices, and fears that both sides wouldn’t be given equal weight. There were also concerns about the fact that consensus hasn’t been reached regarding the moderator, in particular a rule about not discussing a ceasefire.

A date of February 25 was confirmed, with details for the meeting still to be ironed out but the item passed 4-0, with one abstain (Council Member Yasmine-Imani McMorrin).