Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 7-13, 2013


Tragedy, Sacrifice & Sorrow in Santa Cruz, California

A tragedy occurred in a small seaside town of California this week. We offer prayers to the families of all those who died by the events (shootings). No one can replace a mommy or daddy, a husband or wife, a daughter or son. When shocks like this occur we seek answers. There are some. The situation foreshadows the chaos yet to come in our world. The past months’ violent events in Santa Cruz are “signs of the times.” One age ending, another emerging. What is occurring in Santa Cruz (the microcosm) is a microcosm of the world today. Chaos is befalling humanity. From chaos, a new harmony emerges.

Libra and Scorpio are prominent signs in the astrology chart of Santa Cruz. Scorpio is the sign of the warrior who, experiencing death, becomes the World Disciple. Disciples “lead the way” in understanding and using the tools of “warriorship” – a keen mind that grasps the wisdom teachings. We are, all of us, the disciple Arjuna, called to make a severe choice. Arjuna was not a pacifist.

We are in a time of transition when the Forces of Materialism (outer-planetary origins) are manifesting. The reality is this ancient darkness is being “flushed out.” And this creates sacrifices. With multiple planets in Pisces (sacrificial death to save the world) those protecting us become the casualties. Such sorrow! The perpetrators are casualties, too.  It’s an ancient dance of light vs. dark. As a town and city, as humanity facing this challenge, there are things we can do.

We are to focus ourselves with the work of the future. It is not gun control. Do not be deceived. We are to understand who is truly attempting to control us. If we daily within ourselves unite head & heart & stand under the Will-to-Good we are led to discernment, discrimination and to intelligence loving service. These bind us in the closest spiritual unity. Then, as a town (towns everywhere) we can together begin the Task of Reconstruction, building the new culture and civilization. This is the New Harmony.

ARIES: Over the next several years you will sense a crisis has occurred, subtly and over time. Perhaps a religious or spiritual crisis, meaning a very deep connection with Universal Consciousness (God) may occur. There could be “contacts” with angels, past life remembrances, healing abilities. There could also be a sense of sadness and unusual sensitivity. Aiding others helps.

TAURUS: You will use technology to understand events in the world not allowed on regular news. You will understand the health effects of magnetic waves and attempt to teach people how to remain safe. Social interactions may feel difficult due to sensitivity. This also makes you uncomfortable in large groups. You remain somewhat secluded and hermetic. For protection.

GEMINI: Motivated to help heal the world, with a deep love hardly anyone except esotericists recognize, you strive for a recognizable place in the world to be of use for those in need. It’s important to recite a mantram that helps prove your security, worth and worthiness. “Because of my sensitivity, worth and value I see others’ wounds. I help to soothe and heal them.” Say this daily, hourly, upon arising and before sleep.

CANCER: You feel the need to take another path from that taught to you as a child, to break with traditions, to find your own way. A spiritual crisis occurs taking you to the “razor’s edge.” You study the perennial philosophies, seeking explanations for all life’s realities. Astrology accomplishes this. Not to be believed, but to be observed. Someday…

LEO: Have you read Dante’s Inferno? The story of life through the mysteries of birth, death, change, transgression, transformation, meeting the Dweller, seeking the Angel. Finding the Solar Angel after depths of crisis. These metaphors dominate our lives. They create a “tension” that creates “attention” within. When we suffer loss, an energy emerging from that loss leads to insights, to Life itself. What is your deep loss?

VIRGO: Is there some wounding in regards to relationships or close intimate associations? You’re sensitized to the feelings of others. However, it most important to be anchored and grounded each day in practical life – where your true work is. Art helps you to discover more of yourself. Never be disappointed in or by others.

LIBRA: It’s important to ask at times what is our deepest wound? Chiron, the wound, that when healed we are able to help others, is related to our well-being, health and sense of harmony and balance – resources Libra must always have. What in your life is a stress? What imbalances you? Who are you separated from? To hide from these we often work overtime. Do you?

SCORPIO: It seems each day is a crisis, large or small. Each day there are little “deaths” leading to constant questioning of self and then reorientation. Always you are rebuilding yourself with a dedicated sense of purpose. Many times Scorpios don’t think they have creative gifts. But actually, you are very creative. We see it in what you focus on each day.

SAGITTARIUS: Are you feeling a sense of “otherness” these days? It’s important to act like the Solar Angel. To collect yourself and be still. Allow the light within you to grow. Then stand before your polar opposite. Let the waters ebb and flow. Stand where land and waters meet, the midway point. This is your anchoring place where your feet are set. Here magic is wrought.

CAPRICORN: Take your time these days with thoughts and words, movement and activity. You want to express yourself clearly and correctly. You also must tend to health. Each day must begin with caring for yourself. Then you can extend yourself to the many in need at this time. Realize you have a special need now. Allow others to offer their gifts.

AQUARIUS: You need a certain amount of financial comfort to accomplish your work in the world. At times you feel sad or deprived of affection and of specific resources that make you feel at home. Realizing these wounds you recognize others like yourself experiencing the same sadness. You turn to them in compassion, sharing all that you have. You wounds begin to heal. You become the teacher.

PISCES: A new sense of self-awareness and discovery is occurring concerning you ability to work with your will to bring forth into the world what you need. Sometimes you feel the need to withdraw, sometimes to initiate new realities. Always you stand within a state of spiritual expectancy and sometimes you feel abandoned. Yet you carry on. Others seek your guidance. Careful at this time with headaches. Plant feverfew, borage and dandelion.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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