Culver Police report multiple DUI arrests

(Tex Texin)

The Culver City Police Department released a statement to say that they had arrested multiple people for DUI offenses last weekend.

The series of events began last Saturday, March 9. “Officers received a radio call of a non-injury traffic collision,” the CCPD posted on Facebook. “When they arrived, Officers observed that one of the parties involved in the collision displayed signs of being under the influence of alcohol. After an investigation at the scene, the driver was arrested for suspicion of operating a vehicle under the influence.”

Just before 4 a.m., officers received a radio call of a traffic hazard at the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Culver Boulevard. 

“Upon their arrival, responding Officers located a vehicle stopped in the eastbound lanes of Culver Boulevard with the driver slumped over the wheel,” they said. “Again, an investigation was conducted and the driver was arrested for suspicion of DUI.”

At about 5:40 a.m., officers received a call to assist Culver City Fire on a rescue on the 5000 block of Sepulveda Boulevard. 

“A witness observed a vehicle traveling in the opposite lanes of traffic with no headlights on,” they said. “When Officers quickly arrived at the scene a person was found passed out behind the wheel. A field sobriety test was conducted and the driver was ultimately placed under arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence.”

On St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday, March 17, the police took to their socials to say, “With the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations fast approaching, the Culver City Police Department will be on alert for suspected impaired drivers and reminds the community to celebrate responsibly by designating a sober driver – your lucky charm for a safe and enjoyable celebration. Additional officers will be on patrol this weekend looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.”

“St. Patrick’s Day is a time for celebration, but it’s important to celebrate responsibly,” Culver City Police Department Chief Sims said. “Designating a sober driver before the festivities begin can save lives. It’s a simple way to make sure everyone traveling on our roads gets home safely.”

The CCPD went on to quote National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics. “More than 13,384 preventable deaths throughout 2021 involved drunk driving, representing 31% of all traffic fatalities in the United States that year. Over the 2021 St. Patrick’s Day holiday period, specifically, 47 people were killed in drunk-driving crashes in the U.S.”