The Culver Hotel has become an active community partner to Linwood E. Howe Elementary School. Just before the holidays, The Culver Hotel treated 21 fourth- and fifth-graders from Lin Howe to a celebratory continental breakfast.
Three students from each class won accolades for character, achievement or growth. The students were first recognized at a school assembly during which their teachers said a few words about them. Then, the students, their teachers and an adult of their choice walked over to The Culver Hotel for breakfast. Special guest CCUSD Superintendent Dave LaRose attended the assembly and the breakfast.
“We are so grateful for The Culver Hotel’s generosity towards Linwood Howe,” said Principal Dr. Kim Indelicato. “We told our students to dress up for the occasion. They felt incredibly special to not only be recognized for their accomplishments by the school, but to get this treat on top of it.”
Fifth-grader Rohan Jain, who won an award for achievement, had this to say about the experience, “I loved hearing my teacher complimenting me and then going out with my mom, teacher and fellow students for breakfast. The food was awesome, the hotel was luxurious, and sitting with my friends and talking away from school was so cool. The experience was awesome, and it ruled!”
The Culver Hotel will sponsor two more Lin Howe student recognition events in the upcoming trimesters. In addition, the hotel sponsored the school’s recent Gingerbread House Family Fun Night, and the Lin Howe Boosters will hold its Spring Auction at the hotel. “We thank The Culver Hotel for their continued support of our students and school,” added Dr. Indelicato.
CCUSD Launches New Mobile Phone App
The Culver City Unified School District has launched a new mobile app for Apple and Android products designed to keep users connected with all that is happening in Culver City schools.
The app, now available on iTunes or Google Play, enables users to receive push notifications about the latest news and updates from the District as well as access to school phone numbers, lunch menus, sports calendars and much more. Users can customize their notifications and calendars to receive all District news or just news from a single school.
To find out more or to download the app, please click http://launch.customschoolapp.net/ccusd/.
Several students from Kristine Hatanaka’s class at Culver City High School were recently selected as winners in LegiSchool’s Editorial Cartoon Contest: Grand Prize Winner: Allison Goldsmith Higher Education Category: First Place – Mia Campbell-Kiyabu Runners up – Srishti Goswamy, Zoe-Manon Le Cheminant Nutrition Category: Runners up – Gabrielle Apodaca, Isabella Bustanoby.
The annual art contest aims to bridge the visual arts, policy and politics and incredible entries were received from around the state! As part of their prize, student winners were recently published on KQED.
LegiSchool is a civic education collaboration between CSU Sacramento and the State Legislature. The organization’s mission is to engage young people in matters of public policy and state government.
To learn more about LegisSchool, check out www.csus.edu/legischool. The current contest features an essay on climate change. Details can be found at http://www.csus.edu/calst/legischool/Essay%20Contest/2015EssayFlyer.pdf.