On March 7 the Culver City High School Boosters Club hosted its 8th Annual Casino Night at the historic Veterans Memorial Building. The fun, casino-themed event, is the Booster Club’s largest fundraiser event of the year. Described as the most fun fundraiser in Culver City, the evening transformed the Veterans Auditorium into a Vegas casino, with gaming action on real casino tables generously supplied by LA Slots Inc. and manned by coaches and school staff.
From Blackjack, to roulette to slot machines, the event was filled with opportunities to win prizes while contributing to the club’s fundraising effort. The CCHS Booster Club Board of Directors is composed of elected members from the community, the Athletic Director, the Assistant Principal for Athletics as well as several varsity coaches. The club’s goal is to financially support school teams, programs and clubs to enable our students to have a positive experience by competing in high school athletics.
Through on-going fundraising, the club aims to achieve its goals. The evening has beer and wine, hors d’oeuvres, and musical entertainment as well as attendees in high spirits. Each of the high school’s sports teams assembled themed gift baskets, which were awarded to winners drawn from a hat. Local and national businesses were generous enough to donate auction items, such trips, sports tickets, and special events. The CCHS School Boosters Club is a non-profit organization of parents and other community volunteers committed to supporting our students involved in sports and extra-curricular programs. And in this painful state budget environment, Booster Club support is desperately needed by the school to keep kids participating.
Event proceeds enable the Booster Club to deliver financial resources to CCHS to meet this need. Donations to the CCHS Booster Club are tax deductible. Our federal Tax ID # is 95-4176860