Ballona Creek cleanup set for Feb. 2.


The Ballona Creek Renaissance is scheduled to host a creek cleanup on Saturday, Feb. 2, from 9 a.m. until noon.

Attendees are asked to register at the Ballona Creek Bike Path Entrance, Centinela Avenue at Milton Street.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome.

As with all creek and coastal cleanups, participants under 18 need waiver forms signed by their parent

or guardian (available on-site or online at or Adult volunteers also need to sign waivers.

Participants are asked to bring their own water in a reusable container. Water also will be available at the event, along with light refreshments, bags, grabbers, gloves, other tools, and educational displays.

The cleanup is made possible by a permit from Los Angeles County, logistical support the city of Los Angeles and with the outreach support and banners donated by the Del Rey Neighborhood Council.