The economic benefits of the bicycle are many Cycling tips from the Culver City Bicycle Coalition


As every child knows, riding a bike is fun. Think about the happiness that comes with one’s first bicycle. Prepare to smile even wider – riding a bike makes financial sense for individuals, the local business community and the world.

How much time and money does it take just to put gas in the car? How much time is spent in traffic, and then circling to find a parking space, while that expensive gas slowly burns? That gas money could buy a new bicycle in a few weeks. Gym membership dues could pay for bikes for the rest of the family. Plus, one will gain a few hours a week by combining errand time with exercise time. Of course, the health benefits of cycling – the increased exercise and the decreased stress levels – also lead to economic benefits, including less time being sick and less medical treatment down the road.

Bicycles also bring benefits to local business communities. City officials and business owners have realized this in Long Beach, where they have been installing bike corrals. A bike corral provides secure parking for 14 bicycles in the space of a single automobile parking spot. Business owners know that a cyclist cruising at 10 mph is likely to notice a sale sign and stop to take a look, while an automobile driver will not even notice the store while zipping by at 45 mph. Local residents are also more likely to run out for a quick errand if they know that there is a safe bike route and convenient bike parking at the destination.

Looking at society today, it is hard to believe that the gas-powered automobile was introduced just four generations ago. Now there are more than a half a billion cars around the world, all burning fuel and spitting pollutants into the atmosphere. At the same time, we spend billions of dollars on healthcare costs due to sedentary lifestyles, in addition to even more billions of dollars on cleaning up oil spills and fighting wars over oil supplies. Instead of asking, “What’s the benefit to me for riding my bike?” we should be asking, “What’s the benefit to everyone if we all ride our bikes?”

Giving up a car to make a difference isn’t necessary – here are three simple things anyone can do:

  1. Get the bike ready to go. Pump up the tires and make sure the lock, helmet and backpack are ready. Turn the bike into a cargo hauler by adding a rack and baskets.
  2. Take a first ride and buy something from a local business. Tell the business owner that you traveled by bicycle. Even better, make a commitment to replace a single car trip with a bike trip once a week.
  3. Email city council members –voice an opinion about having a safe route to favorite local businesses. For Culver City, this means: implement the Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan as soon as possible, including bike lanes and signage along the major corridors (for example, Washington Boulevard).

Route of the week

Here’s a nice residential route from the Veterans Park area to downtown Culver City. From the Veterans Park neighborhood, go south to Franklin Avenue on either Elenda Street or Coombs Avenue.  Franklin becomes Farragut Drive at the Overland Avenue traffic light. Stay on Farragut all the way into the cul-de-sac past Jasmine Avenue – there is a path here that is open to pedestrians and cyclists. In consideration of the surrounding residents, please walk bikes through the Jackson-Jasmine Passage. Once through the passageway, continue on Farragut, turning left on Lincoln Avenue (the block before Duquesne Avenue). Turn right on Braddock Drive and ride to Linwood Howe Elementary School at Irving Place. Turn left and enter into downtown Culver City. There are bike racks on Irving next to Santa Maria BBQ, as well as in the Downtown Plaza, in front of SportEve, and in front of Trader Joe’s.  The route map is available on the CCBC Web site.

Update: City Council’s consideration of a request to amend the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan has been postponed. The new date will be posted on the CCBC Web site once it has been scheduled.

Bike Safe, Bike Smart! is a weekly column to promote responsible cycling by providing information, education and advice about riding. It’s written by members of the Culver City Bicycle Coalition (CCBC), a local chapter of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.  Join them for their family bike ride, the last Sunday of every month. For more information and to submit your questions, write:, and visit their Web site: