CCMS welcome new principal Linsey Gotanda


The CCUSD Board of Education unanimously approved the hiring of Linsey Gotanda as the new principal of Culver City Middle School beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. Linsey previously served as assistant principal at Adams Middle School in Redondo Beach, where she supervised and evaluated approximately 60 teachers and classified employees, including hiring of employees and staff management.

At Adams, she implemented innovative, student-centered programs with an emphasis on early college education and school culture including the Six Year Plan project, parent presentations, College Quarterly newsletter, managed and trained counselors on Naviance throughout the district, Diversity Retreats, Anti-bullying Assemblies and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.

A Torrance resident, Gotanda has a wide array of experience as an administrator, teacher and counselor, including posi- tions as a school counselor at Redondo Union High School, lecturer in multicultural counseling at Loyola Marymount University and social studies teacher at North High School in Torrance.

Gotanda earned her bachelor’s degree from UC-Irvine, master’s degrees from both Concordia University and Loyola Marymount University and a doctorate in education from UCLA.