Holly J. Mitchell named to chair Senate Budget Subcommittee

Photo Courtesy of Sen. Mitchell’s Office LEADERSHIP-Senator Holly J. Mitchell was re-elected in 2014 to represent the 30th District in the State Senate, which includes Culver City, Ladera Heights, Westmont, the Crenshaw District, Downtown, and Florence


Following a sweeping victory in November’s election to represent California’s newly reconfigured 30th Senate District, Holly J. Mitchell has been named Chair of the Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon for the 2015-16 session.

Recognized as a fiscal expert on the state’s social services programs following a three-year stint chairing the Assembly’s health and human services budget sub-committee during a period of severe cuts compelled by the economic downturn, Mitchell is also regarded as a staunch advocate for the poor, especially children.

“The budget is California’s true value statement,” said Senator Mitchell. “Public policy becomes real only when the state puts its money where its mouth is. Crunching numbers in search of help for families in need is my mission.”

First elected to the state’s Legislature in 2010, Mitchell remains on the Senate’s official leadership team as a reappointed member of its directing body, the Rules Committee. She also joins the Committees on Health, Insurance and Labor, as well as the Senate and Assembly’s Joint Legislative Bud-get Committee.

Previously Chair of the Legis-lative Black Caucus, Mitchell last year founded and chaired the Sen-ate’s Select Committee on Women and Inequality, which conducted several hearings that elicited recommendations for improving safety net services through bud-getary policy.

Mitchell serves on the Senate Rules Committee, the managing body of the State Senate, as well as the Budget, Insurance and Public Safety Committees. She chairs California’s Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) and the new Senate Select Committee on Women and Inequality and also belongs to the Women’s Legislative Caucus.