Tapping into Genius: Time to rekindle your enthusiasm

“Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success.  If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

Everything in life gets stale once in a while.  You might find your job, hobby, or relationships feeling lifeless.  When we feel this way, it is natural to think that something is wrong, or that some extreme change is required in order to set things straight.  The good news is that reigniting your enthusiasm is easier, and more readily available, than you might think.

Our minds are like a cruise liner.  When the cruise is taking us where we want to go, it is exhilarating and highly satisfying.  On the other hand, it is not very satisfying when the ship seems to be moving in the wrong direction, or not moving at all.  Thankfully, you are the captain of the vessel.  Feeling lost, or stuck, simply means that it is time to get back in touch with the way you feel and rekindle your enthusiasm for life.

It is easy to bottle up your negative feelings.  You might even be encouraged by others to look on the bright side, or to stop complaining.  The secret is that sometimes, when you express how you really feel, the complaints will turn into a burst of creative energy.  When that energy is allowed to flow, it will transform into wonder and enthusiasm with very little effort on your part.   This energy will propel you in the direction that you really want to go.

Many of the students who come to my lunch groups are in need of a place where they can express their feelings without being judged or punished.  It is amazing to see these young faces light up when I laugh along with them as they complain about their terrible teacher, or how mean their parents are.  By honoring their authentic feelings, they become less scared, less combative.  These students suddenly feel welcome and their trust expands.  They become enthusiastic about attending the group, and have more energy to put toward their lessons.

Time and time again, I meet highly intelligent students who are not socializing with others or participating in class.  One such student was introduced to me because he was eating his lunch, and spending his recess time, alone everyday..  He did not interact with any of his peers.  In fact, even in the lunch group, he insisted on sitting at his own table, near the door, six feet away from the group.

Over time, another student, who was also spending much of his time alone, joined him at the table.  They became friends.  Whenever these students told me about how they did not enjoy being at school I simply laughed and said, “I hear you.  I know what you mean!”  In one year’s time, with no extra effort on my part, both of the boys made friends with the rest of the lunch group.  Now they enjoy laughing and chatting with their new found group of friends, and have less complaints about being at school.

I encourage you to find time to express how you really feel.  Do not be ashamed or afraid of your feelings.  There is no bad energy, simply stifled creativity.  The goal is to let the negative out so that the positive can flow in.  Once you feel your genuine enthusiasm flowing, you will find renewed energy and creativity.  When you return to your job, your relationships, or your favorite pastime, you will be reinvigorated and better than ever.  It is your joy which makes you a success.  One person, acting in line with their natural enthusiasm, can change the world, even if it is only your own.


Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District.  He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com.