Message from CCUSD Superintendent

Superintendent Dave LaRose

Dear CCUSD Community,

I am writing with an important message regarding the recently filed lawsuit against CCUSD that has been noted throughout various media outlets.

Let me open my comments with this heartfelt declaration –student safety is our top priority. Any action that could physically or emotionally harm a student is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in CCUSD.  As you know, the law requires that we protect students’ rights and confidentiality. We agree that in circumstances such as this that “no comment” is an unsatisfactory response. However, we cannot divulge details associated with this case, and we appreciate your understanding of how difficult it is to be limited in what we say.

Daily, we guide and encourage our students as they grow, and intervene appropriately when poor decisions are made. These decisions can range from missing assignments to harmful and illegal activity. We believe it is critical to respond immediately and hold individuals accountable for their actions. In cases where criminal activity is alleged, we immediately engage law enforcement. This was the case when the alleged incident that is the subject of the lawsuit was reported to our District.  An immediate and collaborative response followed that led to a range of responsive actions by the district as well as legal consequences.  The District addressed this situation more than a year ago and this matter is now before the courts.

We consider it a great privilege and awesome responsibility to care for, teach and protect our students. We believe your trust in us is essential. We rely on your confidence in our ability to serve, protect, encourage and educate your child, all children.

As always, thank you for your support and deep commitment to the safety and success of our students, our schools, and our entire district.